Page 16 - Work - Joy - Evolution_Demo_FLB
P. 16

our right, in the sense that, it is the only thing on which, we have
                  a locus of control. No matter how much more we exert, we do
                  not have any control whatsoever over anything else related to
                  work,  such  as  outcome,  fruits  of  action  and  the  source  of  the
                  fruits. It’s a paradox that we spend a lot of time in our life to
                  control  things  that  are  in  fact,  outside  of  locus  of  control.  He
                  uses the words, “eva” and “adhikāra” or the only right that we
                  have is over the work that we do. Essentially the term adhikāra
                  should be translated to “locus of control” and not right in the
                  sense we understand today.

                     Right knowledge about work          Work with Yoga
                        liberates you from the           Buddhi does not
                      clutches of work & its effect    produce contradicting

                      Such a method of working          Developing a sense
                        results in very good             of equanimity is
                     efficiency hitherto unknown        critical for producing
                                                           good work

                       Fig 2.2: Work as a fundamental pathway to prosperity

                  There  are  umpteen  reasons  why  the  results  can  go  anyway
                  including the way we don’t intend them to as well. Strictly these
                  are not in our control. This idea has to be correctly understood.
                  This is what life teaches us throughout – 24X7, albeit we rarely
                  see it. If there is some outcome, it has its origins somewhere.
                  Even in this, we don’t have any locus of control. Now on seeing
                  these three aspects related to locus of control, we may conclude
                  that the conditions appear stringent and therefore may choose
                  to  stay  out  of  work.  Krishna  brings  in  the  fourth  part  just  to
                  avoid this possibility. He said, “You can never be in a state of
                  “not  doing  work”  in  society.  He  further  elaborates  this  in
                  Chapter 3 and says there is nothing like “no work”. When we
                  don’t do “any work”, we are still doing a lot of work. We’ll see
                  this in detail later. This is pictorially represented in fig 2.3.

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