Page 11 - Work - Joy - Evolution_Demo_FLB
P. 11

representing the knowledge and means of extracting the main
                  messages  represented  are  significantly  different  between  the
                  Indian  Knowledge  Systems  and  the  Contemporary  Knowledge
                  System  (originating  in  the  West,  and  of  which,  almost  all  the
                  Indians today are the final products).

                  The fallout of this change is evident today. One of the exponents
                  of ancient Indian wisdom, whose legacy in the mastery of the
                  ancient texts we can see to this day was Sayanācārya.  He had
                  the  uncanny  ability  to  provide  references  to  ancient  texts  in
                  areas including science, mathematics and so on. He was able to
                  pursue,  comment  upon  and  establish  core  scientific  concepts
                  from Vedic literature. Today, however, his erudition is missed
                  greatly  since  contemporary  scholars  have  a  very  different
                  approach  to  knowledge  and  education.  With  this,  nothing  has
                  perhaps suffered more than the study of ancient Indian wisdom.

                  Current Challenges in Understanding Ancient
                  Indian Wisdom

                  Under  these  circumstances,  it  is  quite  obvious  that  serious
                  challenges exist  in understanding the contemporary relevance
                  of ancient Indian wisdom. Let’s highlight some of these.

                  Missing  Domain  Knowledge:  The  reality  today  is  that  it  is
                  difficult  to  find  scholars  who  have  the  requisite  domain
                  knowledge  for  a  true  depiction  and  understanding  of  ancient
                  Indian wisdom in any given context. For example, let us take the
                  domain  of  Management.  Domain  knowledge  constitutes
                  mastery  over  the  ancient  texts,  mastery  over  the  Sanskrit
                  language  and  finally  a  mature  awareness  of  modern-day
                  management principles and practices that are the reflection of
                  prevalent educational and societal norms today. The difficulty
                  of  finding  all  these  three  elements  of  the  requisite  domain
                  knowledge in one individual constitutes a significant barrier to
                  the  accurate  treatment  of  ancient  Indian  wisdom.  Modern
                  scholars are oblivious  to the contributions of our ancestors in
                  the domain of management. They also do not have any expertise
                  in the Sanskrit language. On the other hand, traditional Sanskrit
                  Pandits  are  seldom  connected  to  the  contemporary  education
                  scheme,  thus  ignorant  of  the  current-day  management

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