Page 12 - Work - Joy - Evolution_Demo_FLB
P. 12


                           Bhagavad Gītā: A

                    Garland of Pearls of


               Bhagavad  Gītā  occupies  a  unique  position  among  the  Ancient
               Indian  Knowledge  Systems  not  merely  because  it  was  an
               incarnation  of  Lord  Vishnu  that  imparted  the  teachings.  To
               appreciate the critical role Gītā plays, we need to be aware of a
               certain accreditation mechanism put in place to accept multiple
               schools of thought. When a new school of thought is sought to
               be proposed, as in the case of Advaita Vedanta by Śankarācārya
               or the ‘Visiśtādwaita’, by Ramanujācārya, it needed to pass the
               test of not contradicting the three important works known as
               the  three  prasthānas.  These  are:  Brahmasūtra,  Daśopaniṣad  –
               ten Upaniṣads and Bhagavad Gītā. Each of these great acāryas
               wrote  detailed  bhāṣyas  on  these  three  texts  to  establish  their

               These  three  texts  are  meant  to  generate  high  thinking  in
               everybody’s mind and provide the required inspiration to self-
               evolve. The primary purpose is to convey the message of how to
               manage one’s life. The key questions answered include, “What is

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