Page 14 - Work - Joy - Evolution_Demo_FLB
P. 14
Life: Contemplation,
Action &
Arjuna’s confused mind and the ultimate surrender set the stage
for the Bhagavad Gītā teachings to unfold. With a gentle smile
on his face, watching the entire episode that played out in the
middle of the warring armies, Krishna chose to impart life
lessons to Arjuna. 38 These teachings of Krishna constitute the
remaining portion of the Gītā. At the end of the teachings,
Arjuna’s deluded mind was clarified of all its confusion. So, what
was that magic in Krishna that transformed an unwilling,
mentally defeated warrior to spring back to action? We need to
note that Krishna did not teach any rocket science. He just
painted a bigger picture and encouraged Arjuna to visualise it
for himself. The absence of this bigger picture was what led to a
lack of clarity in the first place. It appears that Krishna seems to
suggest to us that in life we often tend to mistake the trees for
the wood and vice versa.
The Value of Surrender
A question that can come up to our minds is, “Why was there a
need to impart these teachings in the eleventh hour, in the
middle of two warring armies? After all, there was enough time