Page 18 - Work - Joy - Evolution_Demo_FLB
P. 18


                              Knowledge – The

                             Ultimate Purifier

                  One of the main objectives of Krishna’s teachings through the
                  Gītā is to bring the pristine beauty of knowledge and its critical
                  role in one’s path of evolution. Knowledge can be  the ultimate
                  purifier of all embodied beings. Every one of us will necessarily
                  evolve. Nobody can stop evolving, both materialistically as well
                  as  spiritually.  Nothing  whatsoever  stops  us  from  constantly
                  making efforts to increase the material output. However, raising
                  the level of the individual self is a much higher goal.  The subject
                  matter of Chapter 4 of the Gītā (Jñāna Karma Sanyāsa Yoga) is
                  the evolution or pursuit of the Self.

                  Law of Gravity in Knowledge transfer
                  First of all, this chapter makes  an important transition  in that
                  Krishna  completely  distances  himself  from  Arjuna.  Up  to
                  Chapter  3  Krishna  and  Arjuna  were  conversing  like  close
                  cousins. Whereas in Chapter 4, the first thing Krishna did was to
                  declare that He was much more than Arjuna’s cousin. For the
                  first  time,  He  makes  it  clear  to  Arjuna  that  He  is  the  Sākṣāt
                  Avatāra of the Paramātman.

                  During  the  conversation  with  Arjuna,  Krishna  creates  some
                  discontinuity in Arjuna’s mind. He suddenly says, “Hey Arjuna,
                  do you know Manu? It was I who taught Manu the principles of
                  yoga.” 111  How so? “First, I taught the principles of yoga fully to


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