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               By the grace of Guru-s, Parents and the Almighty,
               Vyoma Linguistic Labs Foundation had offered

               the ‘Dhāturūpaparicayaḥ’ to all the learners of
               Sanskrit. We got an overwhelming feedback for

               the same. Thus, we are delighted to present the
               book titled ‘Dhāturūpaparicayaḥ–2’ which is an

               extension of the previous book.

               Through this book, a student can gain maximum

               benefit and learn Dhāturūpa-s of commonly used
               110 Dhātu-s in six lakāra-s that is vidhiliṅ, āśīrliṅ,

               liṭ, luṅ, lṛṅ, luṭ.

               We would be extremely happy if the book serves its
               purpose and we are happy to receive any suggestions

               from scholars and students regarding the same.

               Vyoma Labs is very grateful to all the people who

               have extended their support in bringing out this

               Heartfelt praṇām-s and thanks to Vid. Vaishnava
               Simha (Scholar in Vyākaraṇa Śāstra) for blessing us

               with a foreword.

           VIII      धातुरूपपिरचयः–२ । Dhāturūpaparicayaḥ–2
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