Page 13 - Dhaturupaparicaya_2_demo-op
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About this book
About this book
1. This book is the second part of
the Dhāturūpaparicayaḥ book which was
previously published by Vyoma Linguistic
Labs Foundation, in which the forms of
108 commonly used 1 dhātu-s 2 were given.
In this Dhāturūpaparicayaḥ-2 book, forms of
110 commonly used dhātu-s are given (two
dhātu-s, duh and lih, are added in this book,
which weren’t present in the previous book,
to facilitate the learning of luṅ-lakāra in a
comprehensive manner). There are 6 sections
in the book corresponding to the 6 lakāra-s -
1 The key criterion for including dhātu-s in this book has
been popularity / frequency of usage. We have gone through
many textbooks of beginner level in Sanskrit, collected all
the dhātu-s used in them, and filtered the list to arrive
at this set of most commonly used dhātu-s. We are aware
that such a list cannot be exhaustive. We will include more
dhātu-s in future volumes of this series.
For understanding the technical terms like dhātu, lakāra,
parasmaipada, ātmanepada, etc, please refer to the
Introduction section in Dhāturūpaparicayaḥ-1.
X धातुरूपपिरचयः–२ । Dhāturūpaparicayaḥ–2