Page 14 - Dhaturupaparicaya_2_demo-op
P. 14

About this book

               •  व ध लङ् (Order/Request),

               • आशी लङ् (Benediction),

               •  लट् (Past - Not perceived directly),

               • लुङ् (Simple past),

               • लृङ् (Cause-Effect with absence of action),

               • लुट् (Future - beyond current day).

               2.  In each case,       Parasmaipadi-dhātu-s         are
               given first, followed by ātmanepadi-dhātu-s and

               then ubhayapadi-dhātu-s. Both parasmaipada

               and ātmanepada forms are given separately for
               ubhayapadi-dhātu-s     3

               3.   In case of many dhātu-s having exactly
               similar forms in a lakāra, we have not given the

               3  As this book is intended for beginners, we have neither
                indicated the gaṇa of the dhātu, nor have we distinguished
                between dhātu-s of different gaṇa-s. Also, the dhātu-s have
                been indicated by their reduced form as heard in prayoga-s,
                and not as they are originally given in the Dhātupāṭha
                (For example, we have given “vand dhātuḥ”, and not “vadi
                abhivādanastutyoḥ”). Original forms of all dhātu-s included
                in this book, along with their gana and pada details, can
                be found in the appendix on p. 303.

                     धातुरूपपिरचयः–२ । Dhāturūpaparicayaḥ–2              XI
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