Page 15 - Dhaturupaparicaya_2_demo-op
P. 15

About this book

               forms separately for each of them. Forms are
               given for the most common dhātu among them,

               and the remaining dhātu-s are listed below as
               “Evam” dhātu-s. Learners can easily predict the

               forms of Evam dhātu-s once they have learnt
               the main dhātu. The meanings of Evam dhātu-s

               can be found in Appendix II on p.286.

               4.   If there is any minor change in the forms
               of Evam dhātu as compared to the main dhātu,

               such a change is indicated within brackets next
               to the dhātu. Additionally, all the first forms

               in luṅ-lakāra and liṭ-lakāra are given for evam

               5.  The index on p.255 includes all the dhātu-s
               covered in the book in alphabetical order, giving

               the meaning of the dhātu, the first form in

               each lakāra, and the page number where its
               forms can be found. We have also indicated the
               changed meaning on adding specific upasarga-s          4

               to some of the dhātu-s.

                As in the choice of dhātu-s, the choice of prefixed dhātu-s
                included has also been governed by popularity of usage.

           XII       धातुरूपपिरचयः–२ । Dhāturūpaparicayaḥ–2
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20