Page 51 - Dhaturupaparicaya_2_demo-op
P. 51
पूवर्पी ठका
Points to Note
1. For general introduction to dhātu, tiṅanta
etc., refer to the Introduction part of
Dhāturūpaparicayaḥ-1 book.
2. The aforesaid pratyaya-s help in guessing the
tiṅanta form. But it shouldn’t be thought that
final forms can be arrived at just by joining
the dhātu with the pratyaya. There maybe few
significant changes when the dhātu joins with
pratyaya. The study of Vyākaraṇa śāstra is
essential to exactly understand how the final
tiṅanta forms are formed.
3. There may be slight changes or differences in
pratyaya-s from other books like धातुरूपन नी
XLVIII धातुरूपपिरचयः–२ । Dhāturūpaparicayaḥ–2