Page 9 - NityaprarthanashlokasD
P. 9

नित्यप्रार््थिराश्लोकराः - Nitya-prārthanā-ślokāḥ       1

                When we get up in the morning

       करराग्रे वसत लक्षष्मः करमध् सरस्वतष्म ।
       करमूल स्थितरा गौरी प्भरात करदर््थिम् ॥ १ ॥
       karāgre vasate lakṣmīḥ karamadhye sarasvatī ।

       karamūle sthitā gaurī prabhāte karadarśanam ॥

       At the top of the palm dwells Goddess Lakṣmī, Goddess

       Sarasvatī in the middle, and Gaurī at the base. Therefore,

       one should look at one's hands in the early morning

       and contemplate on them.                                            (1)

       Before we step on the earth in the morning

       समुद्रवसिरे दरेवव पव्थतस्तिमण्डित ।
       ववष्पत्नि िमस्तुभ्यं परादस्पर्शं क्षमस्व म ॥ २ ॥
       samudravasane devi parvatastanamaṇḍite ।

       viṣṇupatni namastubhyaṃ pādasparśaṃ kṣamasva me

       Oh  Mother  Earth!  The  Goddess  with  the  oceans  as

       garments and mountains as bosom! Consort of Bhagavān

       Viṣṇu! Salutations to you. Please forgive the touch of

       my feet.                                                             (2)
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