Page 5 - Combined_Saundaryalahari_Flipbook
P. 5

How to use this book

                This book is intended to help learners who

            would like to memorise or do pārāyaṇa of the

            śloka-s of Saundaryalaharī.

                The following guidelines and principles may be

            followed to develop a reverential attitude towards
            this text and learn to chant the verses in the correct


            • Traditionally,      the   pārāyaṇa     is   started    with

               namaskāra to Śaṅkarācārya (Maṅgala in p.1).

            • After this, Ṛṣyādinyāsa (p.2), Karanyāsa (p.2),

               Aṅganyāsa        (p.3),     Dyānaśloka      (p.3)     and
               Pañcopacāra-pūjā (p.4) are done.            The nyāsa-s

               and other practices before the start of the
               parāyaṇa should be learnt from able Guru-s.

               After the Pañcopacāra-pūjā, all 100 verses are
               chanted (starting from p.5).

            • At    the    end    of   the    pārāyaṇa,     Uttaranyāsa
               (p.38), Dhyānaśloka of Saundaryalaharī (p.39) and

               Pañcopacāra pūjā (p.39) are done again.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10