Page 5 - RaghuveeraGadyam_Inner_Demo
P. 5


                 With the blessings of Guru-s, parents, and

            God, Vyoma Linguistic Labs Foundation humbly
            presents the Rāmasevā book "Śrīmahāvīravaibhavam
            (Raghuvīragadyam)" in this historic occasion of
            Śrīrāmamandira       Prāṇapratiṣṭhāpana       at   Ayodhyā.

            Through this book, Rāmabhakta-s can immerse
            themselves in the bliss of reciting this beautiful
            Gadya on Śrīrāma, composed by the revered ācārya
            Śrī Vedānta Deśika.

                 Mahāvīravaibhavam is a marvellous gadya (a
            composition      in   prose    form)     that   summarises

            Śrīmad-Rāmāyaṇa of Maharṣi Vālmīki. Śrī Vedānta
            Deśika describes the valour and majesty of Śrīrāma,
            the Mahāvīra (mighty warrior). This text is popularly

            known as Raghuvīragadyam since this prose (gadya)
            describes Raghuvīra (Rāma). This gadya is highly
            respected and is suggested by elders for daily

                 For    the   ease    of    devotees,     the   text    of
            Raghuvīragadyam is provided in a big, bold font

            in this book.      One of the major challenges that
            learners face in Raghuvīragadyam is the presence
            of several long compound words that are difficult
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